Home — FreeDict

Free Dictionaries, Free Knowledge

The FreeDict project strives to be the most comprehensive source of truly free bilingual dictionaries. They are not just free of charge, but they give you the right to study, change and modify them, as long as you guarantee others these freedoms, too. Founded in 2000, FreeDict nowadays provides over 140 dictionaries in about 45 languages and thanks to its members, grows continuously. Learn how to become a part of FreeDict.

Use Wherever You Want

FreeDict dictionaries offer you the greatest deal of flexibility possible: you can use them both on your computer or on your mobile phone and all the lookups are offline. This means that you can travel abroad without the fear that your provider will make you pay a lot just for a few dictionary lookups. You will even be independent from a network connection.

Use For Any Purpose

Our data is useful for a wide range of applications which is made possible through the use of the generic TEI XML format. This allows us to export our data into any format and for any purpose, be it an electronic/paper dictionary or a spell checker.

What's Happening


Thanks to Karl Bartel from the WikDict project, we were able to import 162 new WikDict dictionaries, available in all of our formats.


English-Polish is one of our more complex dictionary, regarding the TEI XML markup. This has led to many tools giving up on its include references. Now all the glitches have been fixed and 0.2.1 is available in all supported formats and with phonetics.


For English-Swedish (eng-swe) users: we have had a bug report about errorneous pronunciation. It turned out that the dictionary contained incorrectly generated phonemes and that the dictionary was very outdated in the first place. We hence chose to replace it with the WikDict version and auto-generated the phonemes with our tooling. Ha det så roligt!


FreeDict.org was unavailable for several hours. This was due to a breakage after upgrading internal software components, which required additional fixes to the website backend. We apologise for any inconvenience.